Let Bev know what you think about her traveling adventure.
* * * * *
Thanks so much for those lovely tourism photos, especially of
Ireland. I certainly enjoyed all the places you suggested, and am working towards
my next vacation. Dont forget Cuba. Thats an exciting place.
Rosalie, Los Angeles

Enjoyed your article on Mira Sorvino. Such an interesting background
family, education, career and now human rights activist. I'm not a gossip
mag fan so getting more meaty news about movie celebrities from you gives me
hope that there are some inteligent life forms in Hollywood.
Peter Paul, Pasadena, CA

Thank you, Bev. This reminded me to go see the movie, "An
Education," which I had already almost forgotten about, having seen the
preview a few weeks ago. I enjoy this actress quite a bit--she has a uniqueness
about her and she pulls me in. I enjoyed this.
Sandeee, Seattle, WA

Thank you Beverly,I really enjoyed reading about your intimate
conversation with Forest, of whom I am a great admirer. I look forward to seeing
the film "Our Family Wedding."
Yoka, Westlake Village, CA

Thank you for the sending me the beautiful article you wrote
about Ireland. We will use your recomendations for hotels in the Southern part.
We plan to also go to Dublin and some other Northern cities so I will get some
recommendations for these from others. After reading your article, I am getting
more excited about going. I think we will be in Ireland for 8 days altogether.
Leah Mendelsohn, Santa Monica, CA

Very much enjoyed Ms. Cohn's article about Munich, especially
the visuals. Though it has been 25 years since my last visit, the piece brought
back countless pleasant memories of the city and the people!! Many thanks.
Lawrence, Los Angeles
* * *
Marianplatz and that general area is truly one of the best Christmas
celebrations in the world. Between that and Oktoberfest (which I can only imagine)
Munich is one of the greatest cities in the world for major annual events.
Christopher Dale, New York, NY

Hi Bev, you have done some wonderful pieces on some great celebs...Great
work. The travel articles are just wonderful too.
Scott Mueller, Huntington Beach, CA

Your great Zurich article makes me want to go there for the
holidays! I love the photos, too, especially the ones of you in the sleigh,
the view over the houses and the zoo!
Anna Marie, Santa Monica, CA
* * *
Lovely article! As a European, and having been to Zurich (albeit
in summer) I can vouch for this lovely city. Great pictures, too!
Helene Robins, Santa Monica, CA

Hi Bev,
Nice review, nice seeing you, nice website interface "...Talk
to Bev" - Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Richard D. Kaye, Marina del Rey, CA

Hi Bev,
Your interview with John Cusack is very interesting. I always
wondered why these actors/actresses always get top billing when really, if you
think about it, the real work come from the animators, writers and tech whizzes
who spend far more hours on the movie than those actors. I know, I know, it's
the all about marketing. The names of these actors are what bring in the big
bucks. Still, I think these actors are way overpaid for the "little"
that they do.
I remember that once upon a time, the early animation classics
never mentioned the voices behind the characters. I think it was only later
when Walt Disney tapped into the voices of known celebrities like Walter Matthau
in the Jungle Book or Zsa Zsa Gabor in The Rescuers that the voices became a
marketing magnet.
Keep up the good work. I enjoy your interviews as you peer into
the lives of the Hollywood celebrities.
Peter Paul of South Pasadena, CA
