Israel A Magical
Back in Time
Part Two: Visiting Sacred Ancient Sites
Beverly Cohn Editor-at-Large Abroad

This friendly sign greets you upon arrival at the
Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv.
Photo: Beverly Cohn
AY 1: We arrived at the Ben Gurion Airport at 4:55 am and were
promptly met by a friendly representative from the Israel Ministry
of Tourism, who brought the other journalist and myself over to
the check-in desk. A phone call was made and our driver immediately
appeared, whisking us away to the Mount Zion Hotel located in
Jerusalem, the capital of the State of Israel.

View of Jerusalem from Mt. Scopus with the imposing
Dome of the Rock, the oldest Islamic monument, which was built in 7th
Century CE. Courtesy photo
We began our day with a typical Israeli buffet breakfast,
which consisted of a wide variety of cheeses, eggs, fish, including
herring and sardines, as well as cereals, salads, hummus, tehina, baba
ghanoush, strained yogurt called labaneh, a huge selection of vegetables,
freshly baked breads and rolls, with delicious pastries to sweetly top
off the meal.
Fortified for the day's activities, we met our guide,
Micahl Neumann, a veritable encyclopedia of history, who gave
us a walking tour of Jerusalem, beginning with Mount Scopus
where we saw a spectacular view of Jerusalem and the Judean
Desert, as well as the ancient Dome of the Rock. Built in
the late 7th Century CE, this historic site is situated in the
center of Temple Mount where the Jewish Second Temple
once stood. It is the oldest Islamic monument and is sacred to
Jews and Christians as well.
Another significant site, and city landmark, is the
Tower of David. Located in the old city, it is the highest point
of the southwestern hill of Jerusalem and for over twenty centuries
protected the city.

The popular Mahane Yehuda market where the locals
do their shopping for fruits and vegetables. Photo: Beverly
There were boundless walking opportunities in Jerusalem,
one of which was a stroll through the Mahane Yehuda fruit and
vegetable market, one of a variety of markets scattered throughout the
city. Filled with just about any fruit, vegetable, or treat that you
could possibly want, this is a popular market where locals do their
After dinner at the well-known Chakra restaurant,
which is considered one of the nicest bistro restaurants in Jerusalem,
there was a we made a quick visit to the Old Jerusalem Railway,
which has been restored and turned into an entertainment complex. It
was now definitely time to hit the sack for a good night's sleep at
the Mount Zion Hotel, as tomorrow was to be packed with another
exciting itinerary.
DAY 2: Yad Vashem & The Wailing Wall
It's amazing what a good tour guide can pack into one
day and Day 2 was crammed with visits to yet more historic sites.
After breakfast, we headed for Yad Vashem the National Memorial
and Museum of the Holocaust. This was probably one of the most fascinating,
and at the same time, emotional experiences of the trip, as the entire
museum is a living history of one of the blackest, most heinous events
in the history of mankind. Sitting at the foot of Mount Herzl,
Yad Vashem is a living memorial and a repository of documentation
of the extermination of 6,000,000 Jews at the hands of the Nazis
during World War II. It is the world's center for, research,
education, and commemoration of the Holocaust.

Locals, as well as people from all over the world,
flock to one of Israel's most popular destinations. Photo:
Beverly Cohn

LEFT: Yad Vashem's "Hall of Names" depicts
faces of the six million Jews murdered at the hands of the Nazis during
the Holocaust of World War II; RIGHT: The Eternal Flame illuminates
the Hall of Names and also shines a light on the stone crypt containing
ashes of Holocaust victims. Photos: Beverly Cohn
One of the most moving sections of Yad Vashem
is The Hall of Names, which lists the names of Jews who
were murdered. When you see a name or a piece of clothing belonging
to a child, or a pair of shoes, or eyeglasses, or a notebook, the reality
of the Holocaust becomes stunningly real. The Eternal Flame
illuminates the Hall and also shines a light on the stone crypt
containing ashes of Holocaust victims whose remains were found
in extermination camps. Plan to spend a lot of time at the museum, as
there are interactive opportunities that you will not want to miss.

Separation of men and women at the Western Wall
(a.k.a. Wailing Wall) is strictly enforced. Courtesy
Continuing our tour, we headed over to the Judaism's
most sacred site, the Western Wall or the Wailing Wall
to which it is commonly referred. The divided sections include one for
men and a smaller section for women and that separation is strictly

The Wall is crammed with notes containing prayers
and wishes. Photo: Beverly Cohn
The tradition is to write your prayer or wish on a piece
of paper and insert it into one of the cracks in the wall, most of which
were crammed with little pieces of paper. Loud talking is frowned upon
and the practice among the most religious Jews is to not turn their
backs to the wall, but simply back away while still facing the wall.
Next we were off to the Moslem Quarter, which
included the Arab market where some of us bought beautiful religious
artifacts. The vendors were very friendly and welcomed American Express,
and Master or Visa cards.

Located on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, this room, known
as the Cenacle," is recognized as the site of Jesus' Last
Supper. Courtesy photo
There were countless "goose bump" moments,
one of which was standing in the second-story room where Jesus
had his Last Supper with his disciples. Also referred to as a
Passover dinner, the dining room (The Cenacle)
is located above the Tomb of David, near the Dormition Abbey
on Mount Zion. The next day, Jesus was captured, tried,
and sentenced by the Romans to being crucified, the prevailing
capital punishment used at that time for a vast array of crimes. Like
many of us, I have read about these historic sites over the years but
actually being there is an almost indescribable thrilling visceral experience.
It was a long, but most joyous day and our group was
ready for a gourmet dinner at the famous Eucalyptus Restaurant,
hosted by Paul Manor, of the Ministry of Tourism. Chef Moshe
Basson is famous for his fabulous Mediterranean vegetable
dishes, as well as his unique Biblical dishes, making ample use of herbs
from his own garden. At one point, he asked all the diners to meet him
in the courtyard where he performed a ritual over a large pot of makluba
(rice and chicken) that involved making a circle seven times
around the pot, reciting a prayer, with everyone making their own wish.
Like all Israelis, except for the Orthodox,
who are exempt from service, the chef was in the Army for three
years, as was our host. A few people told me that a great majority of
Israelis object to this exemption as it means someone else's
son protects and fights for Israel, while their sons are in synagogue
praying. Many hope, that in the interest of fairness, that such preferential
treatment some day be eliminated. By the time we finished our dinner,
and a most lively political discussion, it was close to 11:00 pm and
time to say good night.
DAY 3: Dead Sea & Jordan Valley Region
Once again, fortified with a stick-to-your-ribs breakfast,
we were off on an adventure through the Judean Desert on the
way to the Dead Sea region, the lowest place in the world at
1,350 feet below sea level. The breathtaking scenery along the
way changed from barren desert to lush greenery, a visual feast for

A long, winding rocky path leads to the top of Masada
where Jews waged a battle against the Romans for three years. Photo:
Beverly Cohn
Ever since I was a child, I was told stories about Masada
and the valiant Jews who fought off the Romans during
the Great Jewish Revolt, which occurred around 73 CE.
An isolated, almost an impenetrable fortress overlooking the Dead
Sea, Masada is historically of great significance as it was
the last Jewish stronghold against the Roman invasion
and those determined Jews fought valiantly for three years. In
the end, rather than surrender, the heroic rebels, as well as the families
in hiding, committed mass suicide so they would not die as slaves.
One of the top tourist destinations in Israel,
Masada (Hebrew for fort) was originally built by Herod
the Great between 37 and 31 BCE, and was originally
used by the King of Judea as a refuge for himself. The compound
included a protective thick wall, storehouses, cisterns used to catch
rainwater, a barracks, palaces, and an armory, traces of which are still
recognizable. We took a cable car to see first hand the excavations
of the fortress. We walked up the steep, irregular winding path trying
to imagine what it must have been like for the Jews defending
their freedom to see Roman soldiers making their way to the top.
The following excerpt from a passage by Elazar ben
Yair, sums up what must have been the mindset that gave the rebellious
Jews the strength to fight for so many years:
"Since we long ago resolved never to be servants
to the Romans, nor to any other than God himself
We were the very
first that revolted, and we are the last to fight against them
is still in our power to die bravely and in a state of freedom."

L-R: Three of the journalists on the trip, Curtis
Ellis, Aline Cabral, and David Duran, passed the mud immersion
challenge with flying colors. Photo: Beverly Cohn
Following this intense experience, we were then off
to the Dead Sea to enjoy the Mineral beach where we were
given an opportunity to float in the Dead Sea. Three of the more
courageous journalists went in for a dip, followed by a head-to- toe
immersion in the mud. Because of the extremely high salt content of
the water, we were warned to not go in if any of us had the slightest
cut and if you did venture forth, to not rub your eyes as the salt would
burn. I had to at least feel the water, so I put my hands in and having
a little cut on one of my cuticles, did feel the burning that we were
warned about. Nevertheless, it's quite awesome to see people floating
atop the water without any effort.

Ancient ruins and luxury hotels are the contrasting
faces of Tiberias, a popular quaint seaside resort. Photo:
Beverly Cohn
Our next adventure was a drive along the Jordan Valley
to Tiberias, a charming, historical resort town on the Sea
of Galilee, where we checked into the 5-star Leonardo Plaza Hotel.
We had some leisure time before dinner and while some of our group explored
the beaches and quaint shops, I decided to relax at the pool and enjoy
a delicious lunch served by a lovely young American woman who moved
to Israel because she was so intrigued by its history and what
she called "a safe way of life."
It was Friday and that evening the hotel was
packed with about 500 men, women, and children who gathered in
the hotel's is huge restaurant to enjoy a family Shabbat dinner,
which for observant Jews around the world is the main meal of
the week. Little kids ran around the room laughing, babies cried, and
the chatter was almost music to my ears, as I had never quite witnessed
anything quite like that. Respecting the Orthodox tradition of
not engaging in certain activities from sundown Friday to sundown
on Saturday, there was one elevator set aside as the "Shabbos"
elevator, with the buttons were pre-pressed for each floor.
Note: Originally we thought my trip to Israel
could be covered in a two-part feature, but with so much material to
work with, we've decided to divide it into three parts. So, stay tuned
for the final installment, which will take you to the Mount of Beatitudes,
the site of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, Capernaum, the
ancient Jewish fishing village where Jesus began his ministry,
as well as other fascinating historic and modern sites.
Related articles:
A Remarkable Paradise Carved Out of the Desert; An
Unlikely Adventure: Petra, Jordan; In
the Footsteps of Hippocrates; Rome