Let Dette know what you think about her traveling adventure.
* * * * *
Feedback for"Dia delos Muertos"
It sure captures the essence of this well loved tradition, "Todos
Los Santos"/"Dia de los Muertos" celebrated with the ambiance,
flavor and hoopla making it more fun in the Philippines than elsewhere in the
--- Pacita Almario (South Bay, Paranaque, Philippines)
* * * * *
This is a very interesting, informative and entertaining article, Dette. I think
the Philippines is the only country that celebrates it this way. This is one
tradition worth keeping especially for us who have loved ones interred in cemeteries
--- Aida D'Orazio (Toronto, Canada)
* * * * *
Feedback for"Bleeding Hearts"
You threw everything on this one; juicy items/ chismis
(gossip) about controversial politicians in the running, and role of tears to
draw public sympathy/ attention and hopefully votes.... 'Only in the Philippines!"
--- Chita Almario, (written from Tokyo)
* * * * *
Hmmmm. ... "ang ganda, nakakaiyak!" (Beautiful! It made me
cry!") Well done, Dette. It's so Filipino. We wallow in sad stories and
tales of misfortune, and the voyeur in us love the teleserya of real life, specially
of celebs and people in the spot light."
--- Blanche Gallardo (Alabang, Metro Manila)
* * * * *
"Oh, when will this attitude (culture) change?"
--- Lydia Castillo ( Cavite, Philippines)
* * * * *
"Dette. what about tears of joy? Have we forgotten our values as responsible
Filipinos? Count me in for the anti-dynasty faction. I hope that we have more
on our side. Great article. Happy spring!"
--- Mel Odilao (Washington, D.C.)
* * * * *
"Congrats on your interesting columns which never fail
to arouse interest. That's a new angle on tears from politicians. To be sure,
this makes a good story. Crocodile tears go well with a politician's strategy.
Keep the columns going!"
--- Evelyn Peplow (Quezon City. Philippines)
You captured the flavour and the various nuances of the major
fiesta in Iligan City, that of St. Michael. I like how you managed to adroitly
weave in vignettes of your family life --- customs and practices to make the
readers aware that once upon a time, life was beautiful. Your description of
the early morning prayers and songs dedicated to the birthday celebrant of the
day, reminds me of the Mananita of the Manila cursillo days in
the 60's and 70's. In fact, I remember when I was in Iligan for the first time,
to join your family in celebrating your Mom's 96th (?) birthday, we were roused
from sleep by the strums of guitar which accompanied the mananita song
of the group of farm hands/tenants greeting your Mom a rousing Happy birthday.
Thanks for sharing lovely bits and pieces of your life.
--- Chita Almario, Alabang, Metro Manila, Philippines
I enjoyed your reminiscences of fiestas in your childhood and
youth, and family traditions, particularly that of lavishing the birthday celebrant
with the love and attention of the whole family for that one special day, starting
with the mananita. The pictures added impact to your article. I always
marvel at how cities and towns in the Philippines can come up with lavish costumes
during their fiestas. Think of the money, time and effort spent in preparing
these street dancing, parades, etc.
--- Evelyn Peplo, Quezon City, Philippines
For "Traditions, Traditions, Traditions!" -
One of my college choirs is singing a very rarely sung Anglican
anthem for our Festival of Lessons and Carols is this December: Fanfare for
Michaelmas Day--the account from Scripture of Michael defeating the dragon.
What a coincidence.
The beauty of these traditions was that faith and living were
indeed one. One informed the other. However, things became different when the
church and the state became separated entities. I think that there is so much
to be learned from both situations so that they need not be opposed to each
other, but are truly two sides of the same coin, with the emphasis on "same
coin" rather than "two sides."
--- Joel Navarro, Doctor of Music Arts in Conducting
Associate Professor
Calvin College Music Department
Grand Rapids, MI
Dear Joel,
How interesting that you are involved
with a song about St. Michael. Thanks for sharing. You say it is an Anglican
anthem. I wonder how it sounds? It interests me because part of the fiesta tradition
here is the staging of the fight of the good angels vs. the bad... all done
in song like an operetta. I think the songs have been handed down from Spanish
times, althogh translated in Visaya [a Philippine dialect]. I am curious how
the Anglican music and the Spanish would compare.
In the Iligan version, the opening
song of Michael the archangel with his warrior angels is majestic with a regular
marching cadence , while the entrance of Lucifer and the devils is lively. Their
beat is merry, with the devils cavorting and singing. This would bring screams
of frightened delight from the kids in the audience. If this were a broadway
play, the devils with their red costumes, horns and tails, would be a "show-stopper".
Thus, the way of the world , eh? But of course, the angels have their glorious
victory in the finale. And the angels all handsome, with white wings that glittered,
march down the street in a clash of cymbals and drums. I think the color and
contrast of this ancient music would amuse you.
--- Dette

For "Few Mountains Left to Climb" (Manny Pacquiao)
I saw the Pacquiao fight and without a doubt, Manny is the greatest
fighter of this generation and one of the world's greatest sportsmen. Everyone
will continue to ask if he can go out on top by fighting Mayweather before he
--- Richard, Miami FL

For Camiguin Island, Philippines. -
I love the White Island on Camiguin Island. Reminds me of the
time when I was at the Heymann Islands off the coast of Australia and the Great
Barrier Reef....wow, I love those low tides. .I'm also interested in old pre-war
style houses. I'm thinking of a place like that when I retire . I will get there
sooner than you think.
--- Mel Odilao, Washington D.C.
* * * * *
You made me feel nostalgic ....I was there with my daughter
three years ago. It was unforgettable; I still fantasize about going back again,
hopefully sooner than much later.
Congratulations , your articles on very appealing format. Thanks to whoever
did the digital features of high-tech.
Keep it up for everybody's pleasure.
--- Rita Adkins, Maryland.
* * * * *
Nakakaingit! (Wish I were there!) This is beautifully
done. Photos, map, nicely situated in the article. Congratulations. The lay-outting
is so professional.
--- Precious Javier, Los Angeles , CA.
* * * * *
Thanks for sharing the beautiful scenery of Camiguin Island.
I will put that on my list of places to see.
--- Anita Sodusta, Ventura County, CA.
* * * * *
Thank you for this lovely account. Left my mouth watering for
the lanzones and me pining for the chance to go there. Forwarded the article
immediately to a couple who like us spend winter months in the Philippines.
We had been discussing a trip to Camiguin when we go in January. But perhaps
we should do that during lanzones season, October to November right?
Would you permit me to forward your article to a friend who might want to publish
it in our local Philippine newspaper? I wish to entice Filipinos in U.S. to
explore the rest of the Philippines, rather just stop in Manila.
--- Eduarda Macaranas, Washington, D.C.
Anytime of the year is a good time
to visit. In fact, off-seasons, hotel accommodations may be cheaper. Aside from
lanzones, Camiguin has other sweet fruits to offer like mangoes and tropical
bananas that tastes so good when cooked in coconut milk and panocha. (brown
sugar, freshly made from sugar cane juice.) They are available year round. Publishing
to your local newspaper is a great idea.
--- Dette
* * * * *
Sounds like Camiguin Island is a paradise to behold. But I was
struck by the awesomeness of the narration; beautifully written and emotionally
laden. Terrific impromtu haikus too. Thanks for sharing this.
--- Pete Recinto, Virginia
Thanks for joining our Elago bash. Dette, I do love your article
for Traveling Boy. You captured the spirit of our togetherness in your article.
How could we ever forget this blessing! Heres my own haiku contribution
to that adventure: White Island beckons/ Dazzling in the horizon/
Captivating hearts.
May I use some historical tidbits on Camiguin which you cited
in your article? I can use this for my own account of the Elago reunion.
Besos y abrazos,
--- Aida D'Orazio, Toronto, Canada
Of course, feel free to use the article.
Since it is now the property of Traveling Boy, just be sure to acknowledge
this. Thank you once more. The pleasure of joining your family reunion was ours.
--- Dette
* * * * *
How beautiful and heartwarming is your column, Dette, like a
poet voicing her sentiments. It is well written and researched. That part about
the little boys was especially touching. Tigidig tigidig echoes in my mind and
heart. Bless those boys. May their angels always keep them safe. May they love
and serve the Lord.
Our Mindanao sojourn will remain in our memory for years to
come. Thanks to you and Aida and Chita, everything came together.
--- Evelyn Peplow, Quezon City, Philippines
* * * * *
Thanks for writing such a beautiful article. I felt envious
for not being there with you, nostalgic for a place I have not been to , and
wishing I could write haiku as easily as you all did .
--- Tina Aragon, Maryland
* * * * *
This is probably one of my favorite pieces that you've written
so far. You write so well...the whole "tigidig tigidig" thing interwoven
throughout--very nice touch!
--- Pia Hugo, Los Angeles, CA
* * * * *
Thank you for this poignant and lively travelogue. To write
so regularly, have an active lifestyle, enjoy friends, and travel with such
adventure is good modeling behavior for all of us in the middle years. We are
a blessed humanity to know that God's green earth is always full of magnificent
surprises. We are at wonder at every turn, and the people we meet on the road
are virtual mirrors that reflect his image.
--- Joel Navarro, Grand Rapids, MI
* * * * *
I'd like you to know that your captivating article on Camiguin
for Traveling Boy is more than a travelogue as you portrayed the charm, the
essence and the mystique of the island born of fire. I loved the way you ended
it, on a poignant note: the refrain of tigidig by the little diver boys which
left us misty-eyed as the ferry pulled away from the pier; this segued on to
the tale from Polynesia about leave-takings. This is exactly how I felt when
we said our good byes.
--- Chita Almario: Alabang, Metro Manila, Philippines
* * * * *
I thoroughly enjoyed the vicarious pleasure of reading about
your Camiguin adventures and the pictures, not to mention the haikus. You even
gave us a historical perspective .
--- Blanche Gallardo, Alabang, Metro Manila
* * * * *
Your words were so picturesque and your details included lots
of local color. It made me want to visit Camiguin. love it,
--- Hannah Suderland, Monrovia, California

For The Cherry Blossoms of Washington D.C. -
Hi ...I was surfing the net looking for leads to Blanche Gallardo
and found your interesting piece on the Cherry Blossoms of Wash. DC. It seems
that the original idea for flowering trees in the capital came from Mrs. Taft
herself... who reportedly missed the sight of the annual blossom display of
similar trees when her husband was stationed in Manila as governor general.
My scholarship is in Manila's urban history and the only possible strand of
showy trees then would have been either the wonderful acacias (samanea saman)
on what eventually became Taft Ave. or the fire trees (delonix regia) on P.
Burgos leading from the old Plaza Lawton to Luneta and the Manila Hotel - this
was the route that Mrs. Taft would have taken for late afternoon paseos at the
--- Paulo Alcazaren , Manila, Philippines
* * * * *
Your article was an appeal to my senses. How romantic! After
I've read your article, I remember the beautiful cherry blossoms in the movies
Memoirs of a Geisha and of course The Last Samurai.
--- Elsie, Iligan City, Philippines
* * * * *
What a feast for the senses indeed! Wish you could do the same
thing about autumn in Canada.
--- Aida, Toronto, ON
* * * * *
Yep. Pollyanna you might be but I couldn't agree with you more
about "How so much more harmonious this world could be if nations exchanged
plants instead of bullets." I say amen to this!
--- Blanche Gallardo, Manila, Philippines
* * * * *
Words give life to pictures. You do it so well! Thanks.
--- Tina, Hagerstown, MD

Dear Dette,
I enjoyed reading your articles, especially the philosophical musings.
--- Dading, Washington D.C.
* * * * *
Dear Dette,
Your articles make me feel good about life. I enjoy reading
them and look forward for more.
--- Arabella, Maryland

For Dolphins Ahoy! -
Dear Dette,
Thanks for your fascinating article about the dolphins. You
raise a thought-provoking question about how they got to drift to that unusual
part of the Pacific Ocean. Certainly raises serious questions about environmental
factors that may be the cause. I just read last night some stats -- one claiming
that human consumption and lifestyle impact the ecological environment resulting
presently in the demise of other living forms about 1000 more times than the
recorded average. That's a pretty astounding estimate !! In my RP [Republic
of the Philippines] visit in 2000, I went to Mindoro and observed -- to one's
dismay -- that non-biogradable items such as the common plastic containers and
the like that we use and generally throw away anywhere, not to mention real
toxic industrial and medical waste, end up in the shore of that beautiful seaside
barrio of about 400 families, ruining not only the view but the life of several
sea-based creatures, including whatever edible fish and seafood that the barrio
thrives by. Obviously, the small population could not have consumed that vast
amount of plastic, etc. It turned out, I was to learn, that the waste comes
from tthe garbage dumps of urban parts as far as heavily populated Manila, as
well as the garbage dumped by passenger vessels that ply the inter-island routes
--- with, obviously, no regulatory disposal systems.
--- Rita, Virginia
