I enjoy your newsletters -and particularly Patti Nickell's article
about the 'Pudding Club' in the Cotswold's. An old friend of mine is taking
a holiday there this year and plans to try their Jam Roly Poly and Spotted Dick
- amongst many!
--- John & Maggie - UK

The way I read this article, you stayed at the "Breeze
and Waves". Do you have any pictures of the cottages, and would you recommend
to some first time visitors to Caramoan?
--- Richard Simons, Stockton, CA
Hi Richard,
Breeze and Waves was still under construction when I stayed
there in Feb. 2010. It should be finished by now. You
can see pictures of the resort on this page. We got to stay in one of the
small cottages in the picture. I'll recommend it to budget travelers but you
might want to look at other options. We chose it because of its location right
by the beach. You can try other resorts in the Caramoan town proper (you have
to get a ride to get to the beach and the jump-off point to go island-hopping
but it's a relatively short distance). There are also two higher end resorts
located on a cove and very near the islands: Gota Village Resort (unfortunately
there is something wrong with their website right now) and its twin resort Hunongan
Cove. Caramoan is a relatively new tourism development so resorts are just now
being built.
can go to this site for a good list of choices for accommodations in Caramoan.
I should add that it might be good to go to Caramoan (and
almost anywhere in the Philippines) during the dry season from December to May.
June to November are the typhoon months and sometimes typhoons will still come
during early December.
* * * * *
Hi, I'm planning to go to Caramoan this coming May. Would you
know the number of Breeze and Waves Cottages? Thanks!
--- Ann, Manila, Philippines
Hi Ann,
Breeze and Waves' phone number is 0908-2911072. Look for
Freddie. Hope you have a grand time at Caramoan!

For Nature's Playground: The South Island of New Zealand
Hi Wendy,
In winter, Heritage Heights Apts. now offers free shuttle service
to and from Queenstown 24/7 to guests without cars. We own a 7-passenger 4-wd
Toyota Highlander used specifically to taxi guests up and down the hill during
winter months. We also run advance purchase winter promotions which include
a 4-wd rental.
If any of your readers head over this direction, I will enjoy
extending Heritage Heights hospitality!!
--- Ailey, Owner, Queenstown, NZ
* * * * *
New Zealand text and pix top drawer! Almost as good as making
the trip. ( but one still wants to. . . ) Full of useful detail. Only trouble
with the website: It's tough figuring out which feedback goes with which article,
and the more there are, the tougher it gets!
--- Ken W., Camarillo CA
Thanks Ken..."álmost"
is right, you really have to experience the South Island firsthand. Granted
this piece is long, but still all I can think about is how much I left out!
I agree abut the relevancy factor re the feedback--it can be confusing...sometimes
I have a "Wait a minute...what?" moment myself.
Thanks for writing,
* * * * *
Okay Wendy, from now on whenever you book your travel, please
reserve space for me. I will carry your luggage, bring you cold drinks, massage
your shoulders, and change the film in your camera (oops, I guess you don't
have to do that anymore). Wonderful ideas and recommendations. Can you get to
New Zealand from Boston in less than a week?
--- Carl A., South Easton, MA
Ha ha ha Carl, you're quite the comedian!
But you'd be surprised how short that flight feels. I suspect Qantas isn't the
only airline who's figured out that 3 movies, 2 full meals, lots of snacks and
a complimentary travel pack (eye mask, warm socks and neck pillow) equals a
quiet, well-behaved cabin. It really isn't bad. Just fly direct--pick the shortest
flight w/ no lengthy layovers and you'll be fine. Re: signing on as my Super
Sherpa...why not? I think you know I seldom travel in anything less than Party
mode. There's just that pesky background check...
Thanks for writing,
For Excellence Riviera Cancun:
Wendy, I truly enjoyed your info especially since we leave in
a week to celebrate my 50th Birthday. Was it necessary to make reservations
at the restaurants? Was there a dress code for the restaurants? What would you
recommend not missing while there? Was the spa experience worth it? Did you
travel away from the resort while there? Thanks,
--- Kim P. Fuquay, Varina, NC
Hi Kim.
Sorry for the delay in
had heavy competition with the holidays. Reservations at Excellence restaurants
are not necessary and you will not find a wait. The dress code is basically
no bathing suits and flip-flops...with a decided a mix of atmospheres. Mostly
the open-air beachside spots are super casual, the rest slightly more formal.
Truly, as long as you are clothed, I don't think you'd be turned away anywhere,
though most people seemed to enjoy dressing up at night...I suspect more for
their own pleasure than any sense of decorum.
The spa experience was worth it, though
my favorite part wasn't the actual massage. The precursor was a 45 min. or so
rotation from sauna to a series of (kind of wild) water jets which was very
different and very cool, not just for women. In its' entirety, and with the
serenity of the beach/champagne/strawberries, it was memorable.
We did not travel away from the hotel
this trip, but the hotel is very helpful in arranging day excursions to fit
your desires and you do not have to book these until you arrive.
Have a great time!
--- Wendy

I enjoyed Nino's contribution, since we all read about the frightening
terrorist attack. Having travelled somewhat through India years ago, I am continually
impressed with this country and the gentle spiritual aspects of this nation.
Some day I look forward to going back. Nino has encouraged me. Thank you!
--- Yoka Y., Westlake Village, CA

Dear Mr.s/counselors Brown and Koro,
Thank you for a very informed and succinct article on motorcycle
accidents and the law. It inspired me to think about getting a motorcycle, but
not have an accident. But, if I do I am now well informed with the basics of
what to do providing I do not perish in the accident. Any tips about that too?
--- Unnamed

Dear Rush and Chuck,
I wish I had read your article before our camping trip the Friday
prior to President's Day.
My wife and I were in a car accident on our way to a camp ground.
We were "rear-ended" and the impact caused our car to crash into the
car in front of us. The contents of the truck that we were riding scattered
onto several lanes. It's a miracle our two dogs decided to stay inside the car.
My wife and I were shaken up badly but despite the mess, I was still able to
walk out of the car. I got the license plate of the driver in front of me but,
to my surprise, after reviewing the little damage on his car, he then sped off.
I didn't know you could do that! The driver who hit me from behind gave me his
information and then he too left the scene without saying good 'bye.
When the police arrived all I had to go by was the little information I had
jotted down which I hope was truthful. What if it was bogus? What if I had written
the plate number incorrectly? How would that affect my insurance? What if we
were unconscious, who would have written down all that information?
I do have one suggestion if you are injured in an accident.
The police asked if my wife wanted an ambulance to bring her to the hospital
but we declined the offer. I remembered when I rode an ambulance years ago that
it was not a comfortable ride. I was strapped to the stretcher and there were
all sorts of medical equipment dangling noisily above me. As long as you are
able, it is a more relaxful ride inside a car. Besides, isn't there a fee for
ambulance service?
--- Dave S. of Pasadena, CA
