Let Ed know what you think about his traveling adventure.
* * * * *
Feedback for "Spokane, Pullman and the Palouse"
Loved the Spokane article my mom was born there and my grandparents
are interred there. Haven't been back in decades.
--- Nancy, Hawaii
* * * *
Feedback for "Norway's Fjords"
Hi Ed. I was just reading your great story about traveling through
the Norwegian countryside and the voyage along the coast - sounds amazing. Ive
been to Oslo, but definitely would like to return to Norway one day to explore
exactly what you wrote about.
--- Sasha H.
* * * *
Feedback for "In Search of Movie Locations In the Land
of Aloha"
Mahalo for your article on Hawaii film locations. You should
check out our new "The Hawaii Movie and Television Book" at: http://hawaiimtvbook.weebly.com/
--- Ed Rampell (Co-Author), Los Angeles, CA
* * * *
Hi! This is my first visit to your blog! We are a collection
of volunteers and starting a new initiative in a community in the same niche.
Your blog provided us useful information to work on. You have done a wonderful
--- Christian Louboutin, U.K.
* * * *
Cool site.
--- Donna Namaste', San Francisco, CA
* * * *
Great work as always.
--- S. Wyatt, Seattle, WA
* * * *
Hr. (Danish for sir) Ed,
Thanks so much for your article on Copenhagen, DK...loved it!
Very well done actually I used to live in Christianshavn (just next to Christania)
and Danish is my second language.
You really did a quite grand job and pulled me ALL of the way
into your analogy and experience from my other home.
Just one detail that I thought might have been included.....the
bakeries & cheese shops in the mornings in nearly every 5 or so blocks as
they waft the incredible hypnotizing aromas of those amazing Danish specialties.
I most especially and absolutely love the fact that you included
the "hyggeligt" element...wonderful!!
Another aspect of the Danish language that I have found interesting
is that we only cuss to devil rather than the more typically religious icons
and that love (elsker) is only very rarely used.
All-in-all you have me totally on your team and I will always
look forward to your future writing.
Med venlig hilsen...(with kind regards).
--- Breeze
* * * *
Hi Ed,
Thank you for your article on the Cherokee Nation. I really
appreciate the historical perspective and recognition of their contribution
to American culture.
--- Nora Weber, British Columbia
* * * *
Another cool issue. You da' man. One question: Is that Mark
Lindsay on the front page?
--- Brent, Seattle, WA
* * * *
This would be a fascinating place to visit. There is so much
history within our reach that we don't often acknowledge in more than a token
way. I am wondering if any individual or group has ever gone on a vision quest,
or perhaps a memorial march, by retracing the path of the Trail of Tears? This
would be a painful journey, for most, I imagine.
--- Sandra, Seattle, WA

Osiyo! From Cherokee Nation Cultural Tourism: What a great description
of Kauai! The pictures are awesome and I loved reading your travel report! Keep
pushin' on!
--- Lisa Long, Tulsa, OK
* * * *
I'm getting hungry again just reading your article! It's hot
today and I could really use a shave ice right now.
Hope you're having a great day!
--- Melissa, Honolulu, HI
* * * *
Thanks so much for sharing! Wow. The beauty even from the few
pictures here and your descriptions is breathtaking... I can't even imagine
being there for real! The food looks and sounds exquisite, I'm not sure my kind
of exquisite, but I do like to be adventurous on occasion :).Quite the story
--- Emily, Boise, ID

Great pictures!
--- Anna Harrison, Palmdale, CA
* * * *
Tough job, Ed! Thanks for sharing.
--- Brenda Hughes, Richland, WA

Ed, Tim from the team of Jack and Tim - Star Clipper. Great
trip. Always enjoy your postings.
--- Tim & Jack, Washington DC
* * * *
Hi Ed,
I really enjoyed your story on the Empress of the North. I was
an Assistant Cruise Director aboard her in 2004, and you gave me a treasured
walk down memory lane with her.You might know this, but if not .... you can
cruise the Columbia again late this summer and early fall. The Empress' sister
boat, the Queen of the West, was purchased by American Cruise lines and will
offer a Columbia River itinerary which almost mirrors the one my Empress used
to travel. Just thought you'd like to know.
--- Paul Penta, 2004 Assistant Cruise Director, Empress of
the North, Copperas Cove, TX

Ed, you are by far the most interesting of all the Boitanos.
Your coverage is extensive and captivating. It's a real treat to read your blogs.
Your article on the Baltic Sea Nations is no exception. But don't get me wrong,
the other Boitanos have their own charm and perspective. Thanks for all your
articles. I can see it's a work of art. I just now noticed your Dog Quotes ---
what a great collection! Keep up the good work. Keep on sharing your travels!
This is better than the more popular travelogues.
--- Peter Paul, South Pasadena, CA

Hi Ed,
How's life? Hope all's well in sunny Cal.
Having just received the latest issue of the Traveling Boy newsletter
I popped back over to your site to take a look around and came across this article
which I had not previously read: www.travelingboy.com/archive-travel-ed-baltic.html
Loved it! First of all, this is a part of the world that I absolutely
adore so reading about it is always a pleasure. Secondly, I'm happy to see you
crossing things off your Buck with such gusto! Myself, I have already been to
Stockholm, Helsinki and Copenhagen, and Tallinn, St. Petersburg and Moscow are
all on my Buck. After reading through the article I reminded once again why!
One of my favourite lines in the piece is:
"Granted, eight to twenty-fours in world-class cities like
Helsinki and Tallinn hardly does them justice, but a sketch is always better
than a blank canvas."
So very true. I'll take a sketch over a blank canvas any day!
Besides, sketches often lead to full-blown paintings anyway.
Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed this story. Hope
there are many more fun adventures awaiting you soon!
--- Ashley, Toronto

Thanks for a great trip, Ed - such a comfortable way to travel,
particularly to several cities i knew very little about. I've had only one sea
voyage - crossed to G.B. on the United States in the early 60s - no balconies,
etc. on that ship, as she was prepared to be stripped down to carry troops in
event of WWIII, but still luxurious in her own way.
Bumped into a documentary recently on PBS re the old lady who
is now docked in Philadelphia, I believe with peeling paint on her sides and
funnels and of course the interior stripped and auctioned off of everything...periodic
moves to rehabilitate her, but so costly people back off. She was the largest
and fastest - still is. Her record was 3 days crossing - we did it in a little
over 5 (cruise speed I guess!). They showed regular passengers like the Duke
and Duchess of Windsor who happened to be on board when I was, as well as gazillions
of stars who traveled on her. Charles Boyer was the only one on my crossing
- we were alone in the library one time, but I didn't say anything. He looked
immersed in his pursuit of a book. The Windsors were tiny little people, as
was M. Boyer (and this comment from a 5'2" observer!). How's that for an
ancient history lesson? Anyhow seeing the ship like she is now made me almost
teary - surprised myself somehow.
--- Brenda Hughes, Richland, WA
* * * *
I loved this article!! Kept me in rapt attention, felt like
I explored part of the world myself ;) nice way to start my day, sounds altogether
amazing and unforgettable!
--- Emily, Boise, ID
* * * *
Great writing!! Reading, education and fabulous locations! All
around WOWS!
--- E Dava, Burbank, CA

What a wonderful assortment of travel destinations. I have always
been drawn to islands, and as a Pacific Northwesterner, dream from time to time
about settling in the San Juans someday (like a lot of us here visualize for
ourselves). Hopefully, travel will occur before this particular dream comes
to pass. I enjoy reading about the connections you have with the places you
write about. I will visit that fishing village in Norway, someday, just because
of the photograph. Who wouldn't, after seeing it. Thanks, Ed
--- Sandee, Seattle, WA
* * * *
Another great edition!
--- CG, Central California Coast
* * * *
Hi Ed,
I sailed into Sooke on my way to port Ludlow from Portland,
Oregon in my sailboat few years back. It was interesting port. The entry is
snake like channel with local fisherman's local markers only to guide you into
the port.
--- Larry, Portland, OR

Wow. I want to go to Vietnam! It's beautiful! Those are amazing
--- Archie, Pasadena, CA
* * * *
Kudos to Mark Twain. He knows how to honor a dog, and kudos
to Cedric for all he was and still is and kudos to you for another edition of
www.traveling boy.com. Peace and Love,
--- Joel, Pasadena, CA
* * * *
Ed, I really enjoy your traveling adventures. Your stories are
so well written and the photographs are amazing. Thank you for letting us in
on your adventures. You bring the adventure to those of us who aren't able to
go. Thank you.
--- Cheryl, Pismo Beach, CA

Amazing story and pictures. To think that 40 years ago we were
all terrified at the prospect of going there... what a difference a few decades
makes. Fantastic article!
--- Roger, Puyallup, WA

Thanks for your expert insight, Jeremy. Have you ever lived
in New York? Don't tell me you are one of those tourists or former transplants.
It's a very different experience when one lives here. Unlike Los Angeles, there
really is a sense of community. New Yorkers love and care about their city...
and, yes, their neighbors too.
--- Lisa - New York, NY
* * * *
NY sucks. It's now nothing more than a Disneyland version of
its former glory. It city filled with tourists and transplants, and no longer
the center of the universe. The WEST is the best. Everyone is moivng to the
Coast. Even NY fashion designers check out the LA street scene before launching
their new designs. Plus no one in NY knows real pizza. Take a trip to Naples
sometime and try the real thing.
--- Jeremy - Los Angeles, CA
* * * *
The economic boom is what drove all the changes in New York.
The mayors were in the right place at the right time, and to their credit, handled
things well. It's easier to clean up the city and cut crime when you have more
money to spend. The economic outlook for New York is bleak now with unemployment
going up. Bloomberg already is short money and will be cutting services across
the board. If things don't turn around, people may not be as friendly in a few
years.The idea that New Yorkers are not nice is just a myth; people in L.A.
are much more distant and shut-off.
--- Michael, Native New Yorker
* * * *
I think that overall, Manhattan has become friendlier in the
last few years, not sure why but don't think Giuliani or Dinkins can take credit.
There was definitely a surge of NYC solidarity following 9/11, and Giuliani
was extremely popular during that period. When he supported Bush so strongly
in the election that followed, his popularity plummeted, though. Bloomberg has
definitely done a good job with making a lot of bike lanes, blocking off large
areas of what was previously street and putting tables and chairs for pedestrian
use. Not sure how this economic downturn will affect local attitudes, though....
--- Sue, New York
* * * *
This is the best. Keep them coming.--- Paul Ash
* * * *
Ed, thanks for putting the Holland button on your site.
By the way, your images really work! I opened the newsletter
and was immediately tempted to click on an article. Love it. And also love the
fact I can click on images in the articles to enlarge them. The short headline
on the image makes me curious. Well done.
--- Bianca Helderman
* * * *
Thanks Ed, for this delightful view of this wondrous city! The
first time I traveled with a husband to NYC years ago, it was for an Orchestral
Conductor's conference. We lived in Newfoundland at that time, so you can imagine
my shock of coming from isolation to the big apple!My heart began beating as
I looked out of my hotel window at the figures of humans below, scurrying like
ants, I was up so high. It wasn't the height, rather, the invisible buzz, that
urgently beckoned me to go outside! But when I reached the sidewalk, the rush
of pedestrians made me wonder "where's the party?" Friendly? Yes! I lived in
NYC for 5 years with a later husband and loved every minute! Being an artist,
I could not relax enough to paint, so I took up acting and worked with "Children
In Need" a charity, instead and partook of everything NY had to offer from opera
and Off Broadway plays and such to ballet and wholistic healings....a city full
of everything one could imagine! I truly love NYC and years later am grateful
to live in a quieter area of California so I may relax and paint and do my healing
work...going back only to visit my delightful haunts. There is nothing like
--- Yoka, Westlake Village, CA

Great issue. Well done. They keep getting better! --- Grace
Conlee Micetich, San Diego, CA
* * * *
I loved all of the traveling news! Its good to know you
are still out there in the world. --- Judy Vincent

Thanks for getting me back on the Traveling Boy newsletter mailing
list- I have missed it!
I do believe we need contributions of the ‘road less traveled’
in the US for those of us whose feet never leave the ground… Ahhhh… the Badlands...
Two Medicine in Glacier… the Lava tubes in central Oregon… my next destination
wish: Monument Valley.
--- Lorrie Sjoquist
* * * *
The photos and descriptions of this trip are wonderful. I love
the idea of the slowed down pace of the train. Kind of a throwback to the "good
old days." --- Larry Lombard, Puyallup, WA

I think you outdid yourself with the "Two Cities"
article. I'm ashamed to admit that I knew so little about these two cities.
I learned so much. Your article was jampacked with very interesting trivia.
Surprised the Jazz greats and Walt Disney came from practically the same area.
And those pictures --- especially the WWI museum --- what an incredible shot
--- almost like out of somebody's Satyricon dream. Bravo!
--- Rod, Glendale, CA

What a great article! --- Michelle, Torrance, California

The photos are spectacular. I can envision many a romantic novel
inspired by these majestic sceneries. Makes me want to do a little more research
on Norway. John Lenon must have been one of the converts when he wrote "Norwegian
--- Peter Paul, South Pasadena CA
* * * *
Thanks for the kind words and taking the time to write. Indeed,
Norway was paradise on earth, and I dream of returning again and again. You
had a funny line about John Lennon being so inspired by the beauty of Norway
that he composed the song, "Norwegian Wood." If I'm not mistaken,
his reference to "Norwegian Wood" is just that: an inexpensive pine
wood from Norway that was becoming popular in the UK. I did read somewhere,
though, that "I Want to Hold Your Hand" was inspired by Norwegian
fjord trek.
Thanks again
and please keep writing.

Reading Peter's implication that "Norwegian Wood"
was based on a trip that John Lennon took to Norway led me to do some research.
According to Paul McCartney at a press conference in Los Angeles:
'Peter Asher [brother of McCartney's then-girlfriend Jane Asher] had just done
his room out in wood, and a lot of people were decorating their places in wood.
Norwegian wood. It was pine, really, just cheap pine. But it's not as good a
title, is it, "Cheap Pine"? It was a little parody, really, on those
kind of girls who, when you'd get back to their flat, there would be a lot of
Norwegian wood. It was completely imaginary from my point of view, but not from
John's. It was based on an affair he had. She made him sleep in the bath and
then, finally, in the last verse, I had this idea to set the Norwegian wood
on fire as a revenge. She led him on and said, "You'd better sleep in the
bath." And in our world, that meant the guy having some sort of revenge,
so it meant burning the place down....'
Of course, just cause it's on the 'net doesn't mean it's true.
--- Jeff M, Tacoma, WA

Weird piece on Copenhagen (Cosy in Copenhaggen). Do you think
now that Keefers in the slammer in Glendale for DWI hes experiencing
any hygge? I bet some of those jailbirds would like to see how touch he is.
--- Adam S., Glendale CA

I loved your intro and the way you set up the article. It immediately
set the tone of an action-paced adventure. I imagined Annette as a spy in a
trenchcoat feeding you top secret information. I'm surprised you didn't get
lost. Do they speak English over there? Are the street signs in English? Does
a GPS work over there?
I never heard of "hygge" but, like you, I think I've
felt that sensation everytime the cold wind blows here in South Pasadena, CA.
When I sit beside a warm fire, sipping my hot chocolate, I will remember this
article. Thanks!
--- Peter Paul, South Pasadena, CA
